Josh Fitch '08 - 中学 Language 艺术 Teacher - bet356 - McDonogh School-bet356

Josh Fitch '08, 中学 Language 艺术 Teacher

照片er: Suvali Pokharel ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I come from a family of educators and coaches. My father taught for 42 years at a Baltimore County high school. One of my brothers is a middle school teacher at a Baltimore-area private school. My eldest brother is a principal at a high school in upstate New York. Teachers and coaches have had a tremendous impact on my life. I take pride in knowing that I could have an impact like that on others.

What do you find most rewarding about teaching and working with students?

Positive relationships. I strongly believe that teaching is more about rapport than curriculum. You need to build trust to build understanding. When students come to your class with a smile on their face you've done over half the job. The rewards of the job are that you never know what your day is going to be like and you get to hear from so many different perspectives.

How do you connect with and engage students in the learning process?

I let the kids interact while I watch and observe. I do this with intention in order to learn more about them, their interests, and how they operate. Once I understand them, it is easy to cater to their personalities throughout my lessons. I also strongly believe in following up with kids on the little things. If they make something a point to share with you, it may not be important to an adult but it is a big deal to the student. If you know that a student has a birthday party or soccer game over the weekend, remembering to ask them about it on Monday can go a long way with trust and connections. 

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

I have two main passions. One is the sport of wrestling. I have been involved with the sport for 30 years. I coach all grade levels here at McDonogh. The sport of wrestling has helped me develop valuable life skills that I can share with others. My other passion is relationships. I have maintained the same three best friends since kindergarten. This takes fostering and care, and I value putting time into relationships to make them work. 

What do you hope students will take away from your classes or your mentorship?

I hope that my students bring a positive attitude to learning and have grit and perseverance. I look for my sense of humor and relaxed demeanor to help them handle stress and remember to laugh.